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  • To have a unique Medical Record Number (MRN) worldwide
  • To be able to access your medical record anytime anywhere
  • Be better prepared for your doctors, labs and radiology centres visits.
  • In Case of Accidents & emergency, Ceglly will speak instead of you.
  • Share your health data with Ceglly Community.
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Ceglly Services

Services/Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare Organizations

Allow your Doctors to Upload Records directly for you.

This technology allows Healthcare Providers to securely upload Medical documents right into your account.

The Care Provider upload option is available to all members at no additional cost.

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To allow your Doctors or Healthcare Providers to upload your medical records directly to your Ceglly Medical Record account you will need to identify the Healthcare Provider. Do this by logging in to your account and from the Sharing Page, select the Healthcare provider after defining the authority permission that determine the historical data will be accessed by the Healthcare Provider and the time period for that authorization, Then click share bottom.

Healthcare Provider Upload Option

Healthcare Providers will have restricted access to your Ceglly Medical Record account. The Provider's access will be limited to specific functions, uploading of medical records, lab reports, x-rays and other medical related documents. The Provider will have the ability to add multiple files at one time, preview/add/remove and enter notes for each uploaded document prior to final submission to your account.

Each file uploaded by the Provider will be located in the My Health Information section of your account. Each time a Provider adds / updates a file to your account, A Transaction will be created for this update including all its historical data (when this update is done and by whom). We recommend that you review each new file and select to show or not show these files as part of your Emergency Summary Report which is available to Doctors or Emergency Responders by clicking on the red bar at the top of the website.

Your Doctor or Healthcare Provider will need the website address, your National ID Number, First Name and Last Name in order to check your permission for him/her to upload records. These are all the information your Doctor or Care Provider will need to upload medical files directly to your Ceglly Medical Record account.